Kashan Shaikh


Thursday, 15th of August, 2024
Thursday, 15th of August, 2024

My Points of View

Root Topic: Mental health
Thursday, 15th of August, 2024
Thursday, 15th of August, 2024
Person Asked:
Millra13's picture

Recent Votes for Kashan

No one has voted for you yet ...

No one has voted against you yet...

About Me:

I am studying bscs


1 Debate Topics
1 Discussions
1 Points of View
2 Cross-Talks
Thursday, 15th of August, 2024
Thursday, 15th of August, 2024

My Points of View

Root Topic: Mental health
Thursday, 15th of August, 2024
Thursday, 15th of August, 2024
Person Asked:
Millra13's picture

Recent Votes for Kashan

No one has voted for you yet ...

No one has voted against you yet...

About Me:

I am studying bscs


1 Debate Topics
1 Discussions
1 Points of View
2 Cross-Talks